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Life Laboratory

This Blog is dedicated to education & celebrating inspiring people doing interesting things around the world. 


Meeting Olga Spiegel

Last Sunday was one of those magical days in NYC I’ve always dreamed about as a young person. The kind of days that confirms my reason for moving to New York City, meeting the most interesting people in the least expecting places.

It was raining. A muted warm tropical storm was passing through the city. It brought heavy rains and warm temperatures for the end of October.

I had made arrangements to go over to pick up a painting by the french artist, Liba W.S., who will be participating in the first showing of the Seeds of the Anaconda Art Collection in the United States, Opening this Saturday, November 4th, 2017 at the Brooklyn Acupuncture Project.

The Seeds of the Anaconda Collection has become a baby of mine that aims to visually express the evolution and revolution of consciousness that is taking place in all parts of the Earth right now.  

The belief is that all people and all cultures hold the keys for this conscious evolution, and by allowing artwork from around the world, that is unified by the topics of spirituality, plant intelligence, mythology, and conscious awakening, to show side by side, messages of the spirit and the cosmic matrix of the universe can be unlocked and communicated to further inspire this evolution of peace and transformation for humanity.

So, coming in from the gray rainy day and walking into the studio of Olga Spiegel, I was blown away by her colorful, dynamic canvases that acted as psychedelic portals into an angelic world. Me, Naive Madeline, did not even know Olga’s last name or that she was an artist before arriving. Upon first look of her studio, stacked with paintings floor to ceiling, I immediately fell in love with her work and her story.

As she showed me around her spacious apartment and working studio, she told me of the 1960s & 70s there in New York, and her experiences working with the Austrian, fantastic realist Painter Ernst Fuchs. 

She showed me her work of the 1960s that she considered to be psychedelic, and showed me how her work had changed with learning the mische technique, and how elements of realism and light study added strength and depth to her visual language.

We spoke of the difference between a good artist and a good painter, and also how art is always on the cutting edge of expressing the current psychological state of the human consciousness. 

We agreed that by looking at the art that is being produced right now, especially in our difficult times, it is easy to see and feel that the evolution of consciousness is on the tip of the tongue for humanity at large. We are thirsty for this spiritual evolution and yet we need it to come from an authentic place of love, curiosity, and compassion for it to take hold.

Over all, this was a wonderful first meeting of Olga Spiegel and I am honored to say that it will not be the last. After a warm discussion and sharing, Olga agreed to place two small artworks in this years NYC Seeds of the Anaconda Exhibit. To see more of her work you can check out her website here.

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